2022 Portland Regional Contests - Online!
All times listed below are PST.

Register here!
Detailed registration instructions are here. Register for Portland rather than "virtual" chapter. All contests are online.
If you have any questions, please email us at contests@northsouth.org or at nsfpdx@gmail.com.
Register soon as contests have capacity limits.​
Registration for contests closes as listed in the first column of the table. There are no late registrations/exceptions.
If specific contests are not offered in local chapter, register in one of neighboring chapters.
All regional contests for 2022 for both phases will be online (including Oral).
Registered students will be assigned a badge number before the contest day, and that badge number will be required for contest entry.
Online Format notes/requirements:
Contestants will require Windows/iOS desktops/laptops with video camera and microphone for monitoring and interaction with proctor. Some contests require multiple webcams and computers. Other platforms are not allowed, including phones, tablets and iPads.
Chrome browser is recommended for contests.
Contestants must download “Zoom” Client latest version for participation.
Coaching/classes: here.
YouTube channel for preparation tips: here.
Please watch the facebook channels for announcements: www.facebook.com/nsfpdx and www.facebook.com/north south foundation